
Feb 28, 2003 20:01

Talked to Landlord at one of the buildings they mention on the notice. $595 a month, but it includes all utilities, so all I'd be paying is phone and cable (internet really). Thats tolerable at least. Means about $350 a cheque, wihich is quite a bit when you only get about $600 a cheque. Ah well. Now I just have to figure out how to pay for the place. I think I shall try to co-oberate with the landlord about getting the damage deposit from this place transfered over there, savind me about $300 right off the bat! Then it's only another $100 for damage deposit, and first months rent. Hmm. Really, if I do ir right, I could move this coming month. Hmm. Ah, but want to pay for movers, and can't do that unless I have monies in the bank. March already payed for, so no worries. I can move maybe at /end/ of month then. Heh. Thus, if I you don't see me posting, I haven't vanished, internet has been disconneted prepatory to moving. :) I /will/ get this all worked out.


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