Okay, so it's been a while since I visit'd here. I know, I know. I keep proooomising to update more often, and then I don't. Imma freak.
So, as of June 28th, I am no longer employed. The contact with Capital Health ended. Weeeee. I did pretty much immediately start the job hunt for something new. Got my name with a couple of head hunting companies. Been to a few interviews for retail postions, but it's hard to even consider going back to ten bucks and hour when you've been getting fifteen+. Trying to stay on the West End here, rather than trusting Edmontons shitty transit system to get around. Started the ol' EI application as well, wich is an insane pain in the ASS, trust me on this. Still need my ROE's and junk to finish it off. Man, do they ask for enough questions on there, or what? Next they're gonna wanna know the last time I took a leak! Geebus.
So, I started emailing with a nice guy in Montreal. Actually, it started on the goofy dating site I joined simply in the hopes of meeting a few new people. Most of the time, I ignore the stuff I get there, since half the people can't type worth snot and don't know what the hell punctuation is. When you get a note saying 'Damn you!' you kinda want to look just.. well, because! Anyway, it's worth responding when the person can type an actual paragraph. We've been chatting ever since, and I even dragged him, almost kicking and screaming, onto CoX. Bwahaha. He said the game sucked. I proved him wrong. I am teh uber. Hell, he even obtained a Vent server for the gang to use as they please. Wich is just awesome.
The only question I have, is WTF is wrong with me I can only attract men who are a gazzillion miles away?!? Or, at least, one's that will admit it. :| Seriously! Apprently, I'm only appealing from a distance. ;P At least I gots me another good friend to be added to the Harem collection. S'cheap harem, but yous takes whats yous gets! :D Also, at the moment, being all jobless and crap, it's rather hard to consider seriously looking for an SO. Hate the thought of feeling like a leech. Hate BEING a leech. Urg! Terrible idea.
On the bright side, apparently my distaste for both a) marriage and b) spawn, are appealing features! Go go me!
All kidding aside, I seem to be mainly appealing to a certain crowd. Geeks. Well, really, why not? I'm a gamer gurl. I play MMO's and Pen'n Paper. I like wreaking pixalized havoc with my characters. Sci-fi and Fantasy R Me. And I'm not just tolerant, but perfectly happy to let geeks ramble on about.. geeky things. Also, I have the added advantage of knowing my way around a bedroom, wich, you have to admit, some geeks have problems with. :P
And that is all. Now, to find a job so I can go shoe shopping. Been reading Devil's Panties and I want me a good pair of boots. Tired of waiting. GRAR! BOOTS! *stompstomp*
BTW, I am feeling random.
Oh, and next update will be all about.. NM, I'll mention it now. I gots all sick and was rushed to the hospital by my not-so-shining-armor Harem in the not-so-white-charger. :) I looked like death I think. I know I FELT like death. Thankfully, I have pills, wich actually do help! ANd haven't had any stomache issues in a while. If this keeps up, I might actually start feeling somewhat healthy! Now to pin down something that might resemble excersize in low light...
Anyway, I was greatful to the Harem for that. Shhh. Don't tell anyone, but I think they are a bunch of sweethearts.