Jan 03, 2007 14:59
So, the Guy in Charge type person just came over for a chat with me to advise me that they have a F/T position that has opened up to do what I am doing now - differnce, of course, is that I will then be working for CHA isntead of the temp agency.
The pro's of this being: I get to be in the union, I get an increased wage as the temp agency doesn't eat up some of it, I get good benefits and, over all, pretty good job security.
The pro's of the temp agency are: I get paid every single week, I get to switch jobs on a semi regular basis, giving me experience and reducing the chances of boredom/complacency, I can refuse jobs, I usually don't have to deal with the problems (at least here) so it's pretty stress free.
I'll be discussing with the Mother tonight. Part of me wants to do it, and part of me doesn't. And I only have until about the end of the week to drop my resume on Mark's desk if I want it, because, face it, people want Gov't jobs.
CHA will be switching to an imaging system at some point in the future, wich will be, if not eliminating, then reducing a lot, the need for keying clerks - however there will be a ton of other stuff to do as well.
Really, I have no idea what to do. O_O Maybe I should just focus on my new 'when I grow up' career choice of Mad Scientist .. probably less problems, desipte the Mob at the Door. :)
Seriously, I think I'm looking at a major decision that I wasn't quite prepaired for.