Wich pretty much just means lots and lots of time for playing CoH/CoV... wich I did. And I took more screen shots. Trying to get some good shots of all my toons. :) Cuz, you know, I'm a freak and stuff. Anyway, I have my first screen shots of CoV on here. The first villian I built, called Limelight. The green/grey colors are for the super group she is in (of villians, but a super group none the less). The orange and green? .. Weeeeell, my nephew picked her colors. :D Auntie just added the black to.. keep it from being TOO overwhelming. I rather like it to tell the truth. hehe. The other pics are of one of the last two of my CoH toons, Loratech. She's a technology defender (origin archtype in case you are wondering).. origin doesn't have too much of an effect on the game, just adds flavor mostly, archetype is what you are. So, she's a healer. :D She's a cyborg, wich might explain the costume... at least thats why I picked the costume I did. Honestly, I like her better in her own colors then the black/red SG colors. Not that the SG colors aren't cool, but they kinda make her like like the metal dominatrix... mini version (she be very very smaaaall). I also caught Lelena in there as well (T's character from the free trial thingy he was given).
Limelight first.. again, the green/grey costume is SG, the orange is her normal colors. BTW, those funky red lights? Thats one of her powers. Energy melee. :D She's Energy/Darkness.
And this is Loratech. I have to admit, she rivals Mialiah as being my favorite in some ways. After tonight, she's within inches (so to speak) of getting teleport for herself. :D Yay!
Well, thats it for my CoH/CoV fandom tonight. More tomorrow I'm sure since I'm broke and don't plan on going out after game. :P Still need to finish getting screen shots of ALL the toons and also the info on all of them. G'night all.