Jun 28, 2005 20:11
So I had quite the amusing day at work today. I started out the day by wandering around trying to find all the computers in the plant and so I could take an ID # off of them. That took most of the day. Then it started to rain, so I decided I wasn't going to get myself soaked by hunting for the rest of the computers, so I went inside and found some other office type work to do (putting printer cartrages in cabnets, etc). Well after I finished that I noticed that everyone else was running around like all of Hell had broken loose. I didn't have anything else to do so I just sat down out of the way and listened to what was going on. I found out that the plant had gotten hit by lightning during the storm, there had been a major power glitch, and many of the pumps and valves and other equipment had stopped working. There were people calling other people all over the place, I heard mention of an emergency call list, and there were meetings being planned left and right, many people had multiple meetings that they needed to attend, one right after another. So, since everyone was trying to get the plant back to normal I wasn't given anything to do, so I just sat there for the last half hour. This one guy walked by and said that I could squeegy the parking lot but that's about it, haha. And normally I leave around 4 but today I didn't get out of there until 5 (I ride in with my dad so I have to wait for him). So that was a pain but oh well. I think that's about it for now, so I will leave you.