Jan 06, 2004 20:47
Wow! Skewl started again, & already its a fucking bore! I think thats a new world record.(2 dayz) Vanwyk's already giving essays & im back 2 trying 2 do my work...Lets see how long that lasts
Do u guys remember The Little Mermaid? The scene where she's like "I want more"? Thats exactly how i feel. It feels like theres a certain part of me thats missing. Idk, it just seems like nothing's enough anymore.
My current "boo statz" is single. The thing i had dreaded since like 4ever. But now, its like im indiffrent. If im single -dont care- if im not -dont care either. Maybe its just a phase im going thru. My mother told me something a while ago, that now is scaring me bcus i think it might be true. She said that i didnt really like/love mando & its just "un capricho" -couldnt remember how 2 say it in english- 2 be with him.
Well, imma go now, imma do Mr.Stone's HW, yes, im trying 2 be a good grl now....