Aug 31, 2005 14:41
People who walk while talking to people who are walking in the opposite direction, thus turning the top half of their body in a way that they cant see where they are walking
people who wear reflective sunglasses
people who wear short ruffle jean skirts and "funny" "vintage" t-shirts made out of tissue, from abechrombie that say "club med"
people who ride small bikes
people who take those bikes and ride them down the 2ft wide stairs during pedestrian rush hour
8am marching band warm up for the game (not starting for another couple weeks)
people who insist on walking to class with 34 of their friends in one large slow moving group
people who get dressed up for morning class
95% of the people who work out at the rec becuase they arnt really doing anything there they are just bouncing around on the eliptical in hopes to be seen by the really smoking delta sigma phi guy as an "athletic" and "rugged" kinda girl
people who dont know where they are going but instead of moving to the side to assess where they are they stop in front of you and kinda move back and fourth in a slow moving manner while talking on their cell phone but becuse 80% of campus is fenced off for construction there are too many people around you for you to pass them
dumb shits that have better grades and relationships than me but only becuase of pure luck
aannndddd no rain
thats about it for now