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Jan 06, 2009 12:26

Modern Espionage is a good class for the first class of the semester. :>

I've always had a special fascination with Bletchley Park and the German Enigma machine and the whole story behind that, so I was pretty much entranced and happy. I imagined it was kind of like what a high would feel like. The Germans were in utter denial about the possibility that their Enigma code could ever be broken into, the British wasted about 10,000 men in the perpetual defense of Bletchley Park when Germany had no idea such a place even existed (those lucky 10,000), and the Italians are, yet again, unjustly blamed because they are too talkative. It quite amused me that even when the codes were broken, sometimes, they couldn't understand the message anyways because of the German slang; this apparently led to a special WWII German military-lingo dictionary being written 'specially for the purposes of being able to understand the codes after they were broken. Useful, that. Too bad they've all been lost since. D: I hold out hope that the surviving copies were merely deemed ultra-secret (consequently their confidentiality standard for the Enigma activities) and squirrelled away into some government archives. One can dream, yes?

A-and.... guys, I totally have a history-crush on Erwin Rommel now asjdlfkadflskjdf

In somewhat related news, I had to ask my professor for an extension on the research assignment. >>

and now that you know, geeka maxima sum, i will have to kill you, needs moar loving, lol work, rl, supar-spy-in-training

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