Jan 22, 2008 18:44


This is what happens when I pick up something new and shiny:

1. Jasmine obsesses over said "new and shiny".
2. Jasmine fails to study for Latin quiz.
3. Jasmine CRAMS for Latin quiz during Modes of Reasoning (which is a blasphemy in and of itself).
4. Jasmine takes the Latin quiz. (LULZ)
5. Aaaand... Jasmine fails the Latin quiz (TBA BUT I KNOW IT WILL COME).

Yes, yes this is sad sad news. But the good news is that I'm being kept busy and giddy! Also, new!old fandom GET (and guys, it's not even like Pokemon or Yugioh this time, so congratulate me). DETECTIVE CONAN. Originally watched it in Chinese, and I still like the Chinese versions (and will still interchange the Chinese and Japanese names), but I found it in subbed Japanese and *_____________*. I am HUGE Sherlock Holmes fangirl, and this show presses ALL MY GEEK BUTTONS.

... although, true to form of course, my OTP will never ever be. *sadface* Conan/Ai loev 4eva. ._.v WHY. I must have sacrificed small children in the moonlight in my past life or something. D: Still, that small detail (WHYWHYWHYWRYYYYYY) aside~ Detective Conan! *____*

Are you surprised that I got into university yet? Yes, yes so am I.

massive fail, university, obscure ships ftw, i am fandom's bitch, rl

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