books = happy happy me

Dec 09, 2007 01:45

Just finished re-reading Trickster's Queen and may or may not have cried my eyes out at the end. Am feeling very pleased with the world in general as I tend to feel when the Christmas non-denominational winter solstice holiday season sets in. Plus, y'know, the good book, coffee, and chocolate combination. Probably more the latter actually.

I want more books now. I realized that I haven't had a good reading spree/binge in a really long time and I miss it so very much. Top picks for now would include the His Dark Materials trilogy, most of Pierce's other works, Gaiman's works, and other old favourites from various fantasy authors. For one, they remind me of a time when life was simpler and quieter and not filled with OMGMASSIVEFAILURELOOMING!!1 stresses. Namely, junior high school. Oh nostalgia.

Christmas is an excellent time of year, even for us unrepentant non-believers. Now all I need is for the exam crunch and school to be over for most of my compatriots so I can have a nice, long, soothing conversation about our respective blasphemic beliefs (or non-beliefs). And books. Over coffee and tea and cakes. That would be nice.



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