May 19, 2006 20:05
I hate my dad he has emphysema(sp?) why hasn't he died yet? Like really, he's like the only person on Earth that if he died I wouldn't care. I would be happy bc then we could be a happy family. A REAL happy family who never have to worry about suffering bc SOMEONE *cough cough* my dad the pussy had a supposed "Bad" childhood. So we are supposed to suffer bc of his flashbacks.
If you do one little thing to my dad like if he asks for milk or something which even if he is standing next to the refridgerator he is incapable of getting himself. If you don't get it then he claims that you never loved him and you don't appreciate anything he does for you (like what you may ask)and he threatens to kick you out and he starts breaking stuff and calling you a fat whore blahblahblah. UGH.
and when he drinks it worse bc he's like the size of an elf so he can't handle alcohol and he gets all pissy and whiny bc he had a bad childhood (and it's our faults somehow) yaddayaddayadda.
Like now, he's bitching at my brother (who just bought him a 50.00 gift certificate for his bday over his rent money) nothing is good enough for him!!!
GO suck a dick DAD