Nov 05, 2013 19:16
I posted last night (for the first time since December) and LJ ate it. Frustrating. But I guess it's possible I hallucinated the whole thing, because I've been hopped up on goofballs since Sunday.
Saturday I woke up with a really sore arm. I had just started a new yoga DVD so I chalked it up to that. By the end of the day tho I had taken a fistfull of Advil (none of which helped) and I burst into tears getting the boys dressed for bed. When I woke up Sunday and couldn't move it at all I knew I had to have it looked at.
I'm horrible at taking care of myself. I always say "No." at my physicals when the doctor asks if there is anything if like to talk about. I never take pain killers (Tylenol, Aleve, etc) for reasons that aren't clear to me. I'm really unsympathetic when people call into work sick because I ALWAYS assume they are lying. I have no idea why I'm like this.
So my arm was in bad shape by the time I hot to urgent care. But I went in and downplayed the pain as usual. They took ex-rays and the doctor came in and said, "My god, what did you do to yourself?" She said I had injured myself at some point years ago, and had recently irritated it again (Fuck you Yogalosophy). She asked how often I had been seen for it and when I said never she said, "Why not?" I told her I thought I was just getting old and she looked at me like I was an idiot.
So she hooked me up with pills (Percocet and something called Voltarin) and told me to see and ortho first thing Monday morning. I luckily found someone and got a diagnosis (calcified tendinitis) and a cortisone shot. I mistakingly thought the shot would make me feel better instantly. No such luck. I've missed two days of work because the meds make me REALLY sick, but the pain in my arm in unbearable without them. So I have to keep choosing nausea or the pain. Jon has been hanging in there but this has really tested the whole "in sickness and in health" thing. I think he, like me, heard tendinitis and was like, that's no big deal, get back to work. So I've drained him of any sympathy at this point.
So, here I sit. In my bed with my dirty sheets because I keep sweating through them but I can't move enough to wash them. Icing my shoulder and waiting for the Percocet to kick in. I *have* to go to work tomorrow no matter what, do sleep is essential. Really hoping that shot takes effect soon.
This is my "I feel sorry for myself" post that is too long for Facebook. Thanks for reading and maybe feeling sorry for me too. ;-)
via ljapp