Nov 03, 2005 13:56
I think many of us have read recent accounts of how Target has a policy of not dispensing birth control to customers if the pharmicist objects for moral/religious reasons. I sent a letter to Target expressing my concern over these policies, and I encourage those of you who are like-minded to do the same. Not shopping at Target anymore may LITERALLY kill me, but I'd be a hypocrite if I continued should this be true. My letter is below -- please go to the Target website to send your own.
I was recently horrified to read press accounts of Target's policy regarding the filling of contraceptives by your pharmacists. Specifically, I was dismayed to learn that Target allows its pharmacists to refuse to dispense birth control and emergency contraception to female customers if the pharmacist objects on religious grounds. Also, that Target claims that any of its employees have a right to discriminate against any of its customers provided the discrimination is motivated by an employee's religious beliefs.
I am a professional women in her late 20's who shops at Target FREQUENTLY (I'm there about 3-4 times a week) I consciously made the decision to shop at Target as an alternative to Wal-Mart, as I disagree strongly with many of the Wal-Mart corporate policies. My recent education on Target pharmacy policies, however, has caused me great concern.
I desperately hope that these allegations are not true, and that Target respects a persons right to any medical treatment that he/she requires - and has the right to UNDER LAW. However, should these prove to be accurate representations of your policies I, like many other like-minded individuals, will take my business elsewhere. Low prices and commercials aimed at urban hipsters will not be enough to draw those of us with a conscience back.
I look forward to a response from you.
Mandy Vlasz