OMG that was so scary!!!

Aug 28, 2005 13:15

OK so yeah my first divig lesson with this teacher was today! ok yeah well Manny Jason and heather came over last night at like 12 and then they left ealy because something happened ( I cant say what) but yeah so manny took Jason home and heather spent the night! well we wnet to sleep at like 1 30 ok yaeh well I got up this morning at like 8 and was raedy by like 8 30 so yeah then my mom took me to MacDonald's adn yeah then to the driving school! well I was pretty nervous cuz yeah this guy is scary ok think about this he was my aunt becky's teacher when she was 16 shes like 33 alraedy ok yeah the movies we see are those off the projector things like some are blask and whilt and others are the ones where theyt start out 3 2 1 and then they make a circle and start like that its funny well anyway yeah well thats how old this guy is ok he falls asleep while you are driving so yeah that was also scary I drove all the way to Fort Bliss and then we switched drivers the other girl drove less than I did she didnt get very far! it ok though yeah well then I drove again all the way past UTEP all the way past adventure Zone! past all that It was freaky but the weirdest pasrt was that I drove on the freeway!!!!! that was sooooooooooo scary!!!!!!! then to top it off I was driving 60 OMG that was crazy I was freakin out so yeah then we switched again and the teacher was litterally (spelling) fell asleep and the other girl was like ok so she asked what do I do then I told her well just keep going and he'll wake up eventually thats what my aunt told me to do!!!!so yeah we started laughing ans everything and yeahe then he woke up because I think he heard us laughing so yeah then he told her to go back to the school and then we stoppedat the school and my mom picked me up and she then I drove home it was great! he asked me if I had driven on montana or lee trevino or like streets like that and I said no then he said that it was ok then he said well lets see how you do on those streets so yeah he then told me I was a great driver and even though I was less expeirenced than a lots of others I was a great driver in traffic!! ok yeah ill talk to you later ok im going to vall steve and tell him the great news!!! bye! Crystal OMG I cant believe I forgot I am ALPHA COMPANY'S NEW XO its great CPT told me yesterday at the rootbeer flaot sale ok yeah see im kinda dislexic i cant spell and i spell things backwards!!! ok now for reals this time!! bye ~~~Crystal~~~
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