Aug 18, 2006 00:38
but, on the bright side of things..i'm always in a good mood and always happy and travis called to see if a big group could all get together this weekend before school starts if so, that should be funn =) lol
and i'm just gonna copy alyson and do this lil "list of" thingy!!!
1. knowing i have lunch with just about all my buds
2. water breaks during 4 hour practices that involve seeing friends like foley and such =)
3. not losing weight, but losing clothing size & getting muscular from 4 hours of competition
4. competition period
5. buffalo wild wings at any time, any day, any type of sauce
6. coke-cola
7. red bull/vault
8. dance dance revolution (beating levels and burning calories)
9. friends
10. chad coming over to my house at 1 in the morning to lay in my bed and simply talk. talk like old friends do
11. talking on the phone when garrett actually calls me
12. dates..when i actually go on them
13. travis tuesdays =) especially at dairy queen
14. new puppies my dog had 2 weeks ago
15. fat laffy taffy, sour patch kids, pixy styx, fun-dip
16. music
17. SENIORS!!! '07! RAAAPE!!
18. sun and tanning
19. driving
20. bahama sno shack
21. maggie moo's
22. maggie moo's with brooklyn, then stake-outs, then sleepovers
23. sleepovers in general with the crew!
24. big hugs
25. kissing and such
26. planning beach week and cancun '07 with my bro, scotty
27. movies with people
28. dancing
29. homecoming in one month, 13 days
30. lunch with mr. brenner at bellacino's
31. water slide goin to my pool
32. pool parties here and at chad's
33. football season in one week
34. backflips from basket tosses in my pool
35. the redneck side of mine
and that's all for, yea, i'm pretty much always happy =)
hopefully, things will get better with me and the boy soon