No es Amor....

Feb 21, 2005 23:05

So anyways today i got up around 3:00 and called a few people, as well as got a few phone calls....I never went to bed last night so i stayed up all night and then around 5:45 i looked on the news and realized i aint have any school. so i was like cool, but anyways i ended up tryin to fall asleep around 6 but ended wakin back up at 8 then fell asleep again then woke up at like 3 or so....I had to help mom around the house, for a while, before i could even do anything, then i called Val, n she said she was comin over, so whatever thats cool. THEN i finshed getting ready and we left to go to the apartment ta get my sister, then we all went to the Salvation Army, val bought a T-Shirt that had something about Keg's & Eggs's on it...its cute whatever,anyways we went and got gas, then went to randy's work (Steak N Shake),saw a few bitches i dont like and Melissa wanted to kick the shit out of, but she wouldnt...Shed get lost in a paper bag let a lone fight someone...I mean she has faught before but thats not the point..Anyways we waited for 1 1/2 hours on top of bein there for 45 minutes, just for Randy to get off of work...Melissa and Val got into this big ol' argument and started yelling at each other....Then on the way home, i almost died, becasue when val's Pissed, she drives like a maniac!!!, but me and randy were sittin in the back just chillen n listenin to them bitch at each other, then get back to th apartment, and Brent and Ryan were there, along with Adam...we went inside and chilled for like 30 minutes, me and ryan kept gettin close to each other, and then it was time to go...So we left at 10:00 and Brent and Ryan took me home..(val would have but she was pissed and had to leave anyways), But they tok me home, and on the way home, i had one arm from each of the boys (brent and Ryan), on my legs...Ryan kept sayin he wanted to come sit in the back with me, and Brent kept tellin Ryan to sit in the back, so i could get shotty.. I let Ryan have Shotty, n he knows i like it alot, so he kept turning around talkin to me, and fluttering his tongue at me...HMM i lil awkward there, but yeah...I got home (finally!!!), and Brent got out, to "supposivly" change into a hoodie, form a trench coat (a lil Weird),and asked for a hug..Okay i gave him one, n he started kissing my neck (ina way i loved it, but NOT fom him), anyways Ryan got out, and Brent walked away,and was like do i get a hug?..i was like "uh Yeah, fo sho' (Ryan is cute as hell...In an x-men/matrix kinda way lol), so i agve him his hug, n he's like is that all i get?..i was like "NO", so we kissed n then he started putting his hands all up in my shirt and i pushed em away, cuz i wanted to go inside...So i dont really know if brent saw the kiss or not, but he might have...Its gonna be weird if he did, cuz i kno both the boys like me, but i dont know how Brent is gonna take it...I dont know, but someone just imed me and imma talk to him, so ill holla l8er!!!
Luh you One!!
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