Dec 29, 2005 01:24
so kelly and i are cool. i dont know i bitch about him and shit but i love the loser... tonight we just chilled at his house in bed and did NOTHING. it was so nice to have no where to go and nothing to do for once. he fell asleep at like 11 so i coverd him up, closed the window, set his pillows up and let him sleep. i love when he sleeps. hes so peaceful..
i dont understand why it is so hard for guys to have friends that are girls. like seriously wtf is so hard about it? josh and i were good friends. i mean why is that so hard just to talk to a guy or girl and be able to bitch to eachother? we do it to the same sex friends that we have so why not the oppisit? tony and i do it with eachother and theres no problem. i dont know i think some guys just have seriouse problems when it coems to that because who the hell knows why. uh. men. who gets them?
tomorrow i leave for up north till sunday. thats a long f-in time! i dont know i just hope that its really fun and NO ONE gets in a fight. last two times kelly and i went up there has been HUGE family blow ups that have been really bad and quite acward. i plan on getting soo drunk just because i can and it will be such a release. it will be nice up there because i will be able to relax and just do what i want to do. im going to bring my scrapbooking stuff, ice skates, snow pants (if i can find them), books, homework... eh homework! seriously what fucking rude teacher does that? i have a chem lab due a week after break, a book read the week after break, and a DECA compitition on the 7th. this is why i NEED to get drunk this weekend!
well have a happy and safe new year everyone!