Nov 21, 2005 16:39
hey are ya!!!??? me i am grrr-reat! in a good mood ever since i got one of jays letter <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 that always puts me in a good mood...cuz he writes such sweet things in them! yay for me!
ok so someone wrote a comment to me when i was talking about britt gettin jumped and her is my reply to them : FUCK YOU BITCH!!!! if you are so tough why didnt you leave your name on your comment. so just leave me alone and go on withyour pathetic life...oh and i will pray for you!
ok i feel better now...AH! my guitar teacher wants me to make a demo cd..just me. why? i mean i am not good at all. he's like :"write some more songs and record them and then perfrom em" i was like..."" lol im too chicken shit heh
well gotta go. byes