Feb 03, 2004 17:10
It's been a long time since I have had something in my life that I haven't doubted or had second thoughts about. But recently, I've been the happiest I've ever been. I keep hearing about everybody's plans after graduation and all the uncertainty from the one's who are still left undecided. It's funny, if you would have asked me a year ago where I would be in June, I probably would've said working at Mickey D's LoL (pathetic isn't it?) It's funny to look back on the way things used to be. For once I can look ahead and anticipate what's going to come. I can't wait to go away to law school, you know? I always used to say I never wanted to grow up. But now, it's not so bad. I used to think of everything in life and say it sucks. But really, my life hasn't even begun yet. In many ways I'm still a kid. In 6 months school will be over, Brittany, Brandon, and Sarah will all be going to Mich State. Matt, James, and Mike will be taking off to California. Amber will be going to Ohio State, my brother will be in training to be a cop. Me, Dave, and Derek will be going to Florida. JP will be joining the marines. Jenny and Alex will be joining the Air Force, and Chris and Larry will be leaving for the army. Of course there are lots of my friends that will stay here and go to school, but they will also be setting the boundaries for the rest of there lives. In a way I guess I should be scared, but I'm not. I'm gonna miss everybody, but friends always keep in touch. And with all the long-distance calling plans they got nowadays, it won't be that hard. I don't really know what to expect from the future, but I guess that's what makes it that much more exciting.