I was just on eBay looking through the auctions for books about medieval Europe - in particular, France. Lo and behold, medieval romance/smut novels came up. I had to click one of the book lot (36 books in ONE LOT, wtf? lol) links to check it out. I didn't follow much of what was written in the auction, since it was just a list. Well, duh, I don't read them... But I was curious, so I thought I would look a few up on Amazon to get an idea.
Oh my new fake uggs. SO FREAKIN' FUNNEH. XD
One of the books... well, read the first review - which includes a synopsis - for yourself:
THE DEEDI almost died laughing. (Is that immature?) I mean... REALLY... Forcing a man to do... 'the deed' XDDDD This concept is full of win, srsly.
Sorry, I just wanted to share that. It entertains me far too much.