I'm bored and not tired...

Oct 18, 2005 23:57

pearlfox told me that a_rain_of_tears told people that they saw me talking crap about distantland. Yeah right! Don't let me hear about that again or I'm gonna kick some heads!

Hey and know what? the other day was my birthday and nobody noticed or gave me presents or wished me happy birthday :-(.

Oh yeah. it's so not fair that I have Saturday off but nobody wants to do anything :-(. I'll just sit home alone and cry.

Oh and that jackass forever112404 gone and said that I got caught talking to gryflar and backstabbing vatemptress. And yeah. You might guess I don't give a flying f*** what they think anymore. I'm over that.

And also Why does swiftrunner2003 keep posting images in their journal?! I keep telling them I'm on a modem! I'm going to unfriend them to teach them a lesson!!!!!!!!!!

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