weve begun the journey to omaha. dont act like youre not impressed. im actually looking forward to domintating some hoes in the process. this week has gone by super slow. studied sunday til the early AM for that greek that only firecrotch knows anything about. it pwnd my face but at least ive memorized how the merchants have left the markets in search of a safer place than the city of Elatea. eeeesh. lame. went to one class on tuesday cuz i wanted to go eat with my girl.
then i hit up that macro and told the teach i would not be rep%ing it there on thurs cuz were traveling to ASU. she's like oh yea when you leaving. noon ma'am (whami!). well shes like, i get to my office at 8 on thursdays come on by then and turn in hW and take a quizzzzaasssssshhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. are you kidding me. whatever ill wear it. got that neurosci test this morning which i didnt get enough sleep or knowledge for. its all good though cuz they keep portraying dude in the text like pimps. "dont mind me im just stretching..."
today is day off. well take care of some business and maybe make some fun.
ill get back into this Lj business.
"you pooped in the fridge?"