Feb 09, 2006 14:36
It amuses me greatly that when all my bills are due (like right now), my first priority is to pay my cellphone bill, and then my landline (I use dial-up) bill. How pathetically dependant on communication am I?
Really, cellphones have been commonplace for what, 10 years? And we are all so dependant on them. Imagine making plans ahead of time, and not being able to call when someone is two minutes late. Imagine actually having to knock on someone's door instead of calling to tell them you're here as you pull up.
Is there any end to technology? Someday, wont it get as advanced as possible? Is there a limit? Hell, I'm only 24, and I remember my family buying our first home computer - an IBM. I remember big chunky cordless phones. I had an Intellivision. I pressed the buttons on the Versateller when my Dad went to the bank.
Fuck, shit changes soooooo fast...