Flickr and hand sewing

Dec 21, 2019 11:02

PSA: If you've ever thought about maybe wanting to upgrading your Flickr account to unlimited (I know a lot of costumers used it in the past), they're having a 25% off sale for the next few days here. Essentially, they're saying the site is still losing money at an alarming rate, and they're trying to keep it alive. I hate to be flouncy and dramatic, but I may just have to give up costume blogging if Flickr dies; I've already gone through the Photobucket debacle and this would be even worse - at least those photos are still there, even if I can't get to them, but Flickr vanishing would gut my blog (not to mention DW), and it's realistically not something that could be fixed.

I know nobody gives a shit because instagram is a thing and that's all anybody looks at anyway and why would you want to look at pictures from five years ago...but oh well,  I tried.

In other news, I've started daily subbing again (because nobody will hire me for anything else and I give up; I'll just work part time jobs with no benefits for the next fifty years and hopefully drop dead on the sales floor someday so I don't have to worry about "retirement"), so I needed hand sewing for this week!

Maybe these stays will actually get finished someday, harr harr harr. I got the front of this half of the tabs all done, and I'm going to see if I can finish the back before work today, and then I'll have to take a break again - stay binding is just not something my hands can handle (heh heh) marathoning!

I also bought and cut out the pieces for the Redthreaded Regency short stays (partially motivated by the fact that I've needed to replace my old corded bodiced petticoat for years, partially because I suddenly needed hand sewing for subbing days again, and partially because I applied for an actual docent job at an historic site that would require a c1815 outfit, and was feeling misguidedly optimistic about getting any kind of response to my application, silly me) - I'm going to mostly machine sew them, but brought the pieces to school so I could baste them. And put the eyelets in, because I seriously misjudged how long basting would take and was terrified at the idea of running out of stuff to do while babysitting teenagers!

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green linen 1770s stays, redthreaded short stays

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