*snif snuf snuffle sneezy* Not the worst cold I've ever had, but still bad enough to be drippy-nosed and definitely more wool-gathering in the brain than usual!
At least it waited to show up til after I was done with school! I handed my classes over to a very nice young guy, fresh out of his teaching program and totally ready to tackle 120+ scatterbrained 8th graders. Bless.
I'm going to dive into the wonderful world of temping soon, but between being sick and Just Needing A Damn Rest, I'm taking a couple of days off before taking their assessments of my Mad Skillz and trying to set up interviews and such.
The Imaginary Boyfriend is now a bit more imaginary than before - his college buddy got him a job in technical writing, with a real salary and all, and he started yesterday. Main problem here is that said job is in Washington DC...and I don't particularly want to move to DC. Not to mention I have no job prospects there either, and he isn't going to make enough to support two people! So, we're going long distance for now. I'm not madly excited about that, but we're hoping once he gets some experience he can get hired somewhere back up here. We'll see. We're pretty sure we want to spend, if not the proverbial "rest of our lives" together, at least the foreseeable future! So we want to make it work. He's still on the hook for attending the Gettysburg ball though! ;)
And, have I jumped right back into sewing? Well...I do have that cold that's making me pretty stupid, so I'm not doing any mental heavy lifting right now. Yesterday I just toodled around, read some short stories, napped on the sofa, and poked a couple of sewing-lite things.
- Got a couple more inches of the binding sewn to the green linen stays, which means the top binding is done, apart from the underarm binding - I want to put in a wider piece there, like you see occasionally. Seems practical. After I get that sewn on I can cut the tabs and do one last try-on before I bind them. There's nothing upcoming that I desperately need stays for, so this will happen when it happens.
- Finished an 1860s head doiley. It was one of the projects I brought with me to school when I was daily subbing in the spring; I made (most of) two 1860s head doilies, but decided to keep the one with ear flappies, so this one languished. It's just cheap poly lace sewn together into a square and trimmed up, but in indoor light it's fairly convincing. ;) Plus who doesn't like a head doiley? Not enough head doilies out there! I pawned this one off on
blackcat452 and I think it'll look smashing on her. - Thought very hard about the emerald ballgown. I did some very late-night ebaying on Sunday night (always dangerous), and am now the proud owner of an actually-affordable 38"x155" piece of antique black lace. If it's not 1860s, it's about to be! This of course provided it's in decent enough shape to be worn when it shows up, probably Friday. I'm also not certain it'll be shown to its best advantage on this fairly-dark shade of green. But I'm reserving judgement til the lace shows up and I can see what it looks like on top of the silk. I'm still within the return period for Renaissance Fabrics, and really I'd just exchange it for a different silk if I had to. I really love this green though, so here's hoping I don't have to!
- Tried on my trousers and boots for rational dress so I could actually mark and sew the hems, which I did. And cut out the mockup pieces for the bodice before I 100% ran out of steam for the night. Plz admire mockup fabric. (It was less than 80 cents a yard don't judge me!) Actually fitting a mockup will probably have to wait til I'm feeling better.
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