Started the shirtwaist

Jul 08, 2019 23:01

If we want to call it a shirtwaist? Vest? Sleeveless thingie? Circa 1900 tank top? I decided I see no sense in putting sleeves on something I'm planning to wear a jacket over, so it's gonna be sleeveless.

Also I can't find my shirtwaist pattern so I just cut shapes out of a piece of lawn and am hoping for the best.

And I decided to do some insertion! Mainly because I couldn't think of any other way to make a white lawn waist look less terribly boring with what I had on hand...I was going to use some of the swiss dot I bought on sale a couple of years ago...but I can't find it. (How do you lose 10 yards of swiss dot? I dunno, I'm talented. Also highly messy.) So, lawn it is. I may do some pintucks on the shoulders, once I see how it fits. If it needs them. We shall see. And, as promised when I talked about the drawers, these lines of insertion I'm finishing by hand. I even measured and pinned the lace on! They still managed to be slightly uneven (if you look at where the outside line of lace falls on the shoulder seam on each side? yeah, uneven), but for something that's going to be worn under a jacket, I ain't fussed. Someday I make a nice turn-of-the-century waist, with finer lace, and then I'll actually starch and baste and mark lines and shit, but this item's still something of a practice run. And while the lace is cotton, it's not all that nice.

Oh, and I also hit up a couple of thrift stores today, amongst my running of errands, and snagged a ridiculously pink hat to be the base for Robin's c1900 hat. She may regret giving me free rein... It's like 1990s-Barbie-pink. It's wonderfully awful. (And it's a good shape, which is really the main reason I picked it up. I'll need to reshape the brim and maybe wire it, but other than that it's only about 10% off the shape I'd make if I were starting from scratch...which is pretty damn good.)

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hat chatter, lavender plaid dress

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