Feb 02, 2005 08:08
hey everybody! i've been pretty good and FINALLY my little energy's back! yayy. my "batteries" for my body has been dead since saturday night! ahh...let me tell you what i did for the past few days:
Friday: school..school..school. not very much of "important" information for you to know. the only thing i did was that i went out with friends that night.
Saturday: wow! cssd. i went there with my real mom and fake mom, but i met my old friends from camp. unbelievable. all of them are starting to get ready to graduate from high school or ready to get their licenses and all that. my goodness! the last time i saw them was when they were getting ready to go in junior high/high school. i even saw shannon, tara, max *ugh*, doc, april, tim (just met), rich (shannon's b/f), kim and her b/f, michey, pierre, rickia, katey, lynn, and JAY. the whole day, i spent pretty much the whole day sitting and walking around with jay. HOPEFULLY, i could go to BBC in march or over the summer. let's pray!
Sunday: went to church at 8 in the morning (shut up.) then did my homework afterwards, then took a nap (because i didn't sleep very well on saturday night). that's pretty much it.
Monday: school...school..school. exciting. i got OGO that night (i will give you my TEXT # in the end of this journal). not much for you to know but i had to babysit for this little deaf girl named sabrina and her hearing friends, molly and kevin. very good kids!!! :-).
Tuesday: AGAIN...school...school. i had to watch my babey benny all night until my mom came, then i left to go to TKD class for couple of hours. not very much.
TODAY: i woke up this morning, i got about...1/3 of my energy back. ahh i need them so bad. today, my school and i are having a 1/2 day school and TMW is late start (9:10 instead of 8:00). anyways...i'll be going out to lunch with collin (a boy who DEFINITELY likes me too much and i like him AS a friend), because about two weeks before this friday...he met up with me and heather and my mom at the mall then i bought him a smoothie (he was pretty much broke, i think). so that's why he's taking me out for a smoothie for a thank you. how sweet is that! so anyways..i'm out! toodles!
my text # is 1-618-315-0288.