Food icon is necessary.

May 23, 2009 14:52

Ohgod I'm so ready to be home now.
Y'know why? The need for FOOD just set in.

Like, up until now I've been floating along, happy that I'll be going home in what is now 6 days, but not really stressing about it. My finals are definitely manageable, nothing super stress-worthy except for maybe shenanigans with 20th Century, but no MASSIVE SOUL-SUCKING projects. Which is excellent.

But I just saw a commercial for Golden Corral and I thought 'hey, I can make that but BETTER' ('cause it's Golden Corral), EXCEPT I CAN'T. Because students can't even have frickin' TOASTERScylons in their rooms! And I'm really, really hungry, but there's nowhere for me to eat, because SCAD hates feeding their students. I'm so completely and totally fed up with the dining hall hours and how inconvenient they are, especially during Finals. It's ridiculous. Students need to eat to do well on projects, yes? Yes. apjewralwjraljralwjera;wer.

So yeah, I'm very, very ready to be able to cook my own damn food again!
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