How is it...

Oct 11, 2007 09:48

How is it that Kurt still gets me flustered after all these years? We've been best friends/lovers and finally together for a total of seven years... and it's still as good, if not better, than day one.

I remember that weird feeling I got the first time I saw him; that feeling of "Jesus Christ, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life." I still feel it. I saw him get up this morning to go take a shower, and I looked at him and thought, "six billion people in the world and I got the prettiest one of all." How lucky does one girl get?

He emailed me earlier and had his icon of a little ball looking out the window, being kinda forlorn. It read "thinking of her." Melts my heart. He doesn't fit in the ring I gave him, but he still broadcasts his love for me in other ways. It still humbles me.

He brought me dinner last night simply because he thought of me. And he does all these little things that remind me how much I rock his world. I just hope he knows how much he rocks mine.

If you're reading this, Carcass, I love you.


PS - "Carcass" is my nickname for Kurt; don't ask why. It's a term of strange endearment.

kurt/mandi, real life, relationship

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