
Apr 28, 2007 17:57

Dear kids next door,

You play that damnedable recorder just beautifully. Please pick up on my sarcasm.

I don't have a problem with you playing it at a reasonable level, even when you're outside, you don't have carte blanche to just act like assholes with recorders.

But I can tolerate and outlast you - as soon as the sun goes down, you're due in the house.

But DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT stand on my sidewalk and blast it at the three pugs living upstairs and giggle because it makes them bark and howl. Newsflash; THEY DO NOT LIKE IT, THAT'S WHY THEY'RE MAKING THAT NOISE.

And yes, I did come out and tell you that you were being mean to the dogs, and don't sit there and act like this is news to you that blasting high notes on recorder = pissing off the pugs.

Do it again and I'll go find your parental units.

No love,

issues, bad neighbors, real life, rants

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