I feel so... dirty... for saying this, but...
Until she was banned, there was an artist on DeviantART who did some cool stuff...
And she was a skinhead. A "gentle skinhead" by her definition, and to be fair, she was pretty tame about it. She simply said, "Look, I'm all for white power and I don't like minorities, but I do not go out of my way to talk to them, hurt them, belittle them, etc... I just prefer not to associate outside my race and it squicks me when others do, so... please be respectful of my lifestyle, opinions and choices, and I'll be respectful of yours." And she didn't jump down throats until someone got on her for her beliefs.
She gave them hell, (and in this girl's defense, the person in question was being threatening and rude to her), but kept it as civil as most white power conversations will ever go... and dA banned her.
Granted, you act like an ass, you should get banninated, but this person who provoked her, on her own dA account, out of the blue, was not reprimanded. Now... does this make me evil for defending The Skinhead? That she had a right not to be disrespected, and that I admired her for being so sane and respectful about her beliefs? In fact, I just thought she was seven kinds of awesome for being able to stand up and say, "here, this is what I am. Period." I certainly can't do it, and all the things I am, (bi, freaky, overly opinionated, childfree), is so much more mainstream and "acceptable" than what she was.
I don't for a second agree with her lifestyles, opinions, beliefs, and in fact, I think the majority of those that follow the white power movement are fucking insane... But there's something so awe inspiring to me when a person is willing to stand up for their beliefs in a nonviolent and relatively peaceful manner. I'll be honest, I can't do that. I get loud and beligerant and yes, rude, about my own sometimes.
I remember at first wanting to jump on the bandwagon and go, "yeah, you fuckin' scumbag NAZI!" on her dA account, but thought... "Gee, isn't that what THEY do that I despise so much?" And yeah, I categorically denied her a personality based on her race/opinion/etc...
So, yeah... Guess I was all superior there.
But it kinda bothers me that I admired her spirit and her willingness to be what she really was, even if I didn't agree with or like what it was.
I dunno why I needed to get that off of my chest. Probably another Percocet overdose.