Twenty Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me meme.
1) I am my mother's only surviving child; I had a twin who died at birth, two older brothers and one little brother. After Eric, my little brother, was stillborn, my parents tried to adopt a little girl from China, but were denied due to issues that I don't fully understand.
2) I want to be a police officer so badly it hurts. My uncle was chief of police and later on the mayor. The first man I fell in love with was my DARE officer, Jerry, who was later Kurt's supervising officer. To this day, Jerry still heckles Kurt that, "hey, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have her!"
3) I have two long scars running down the outside edge of my feet from where I had surgery to remove excess bones that were packed in there. It was so bad before that after a day of school, I'd take off my shoes and my socks would be bloodied.
4) I don't have wisdom teeth or roots for them. My dentist says this makes me more "highly evolved." (He said this to the girl who accidently glued her own finger up her nose...)
5) I am utterly terrified of horses to the point I'll seriously lose my shit around one.
6) I don't follow astrology or horoscopes, but I'm inexplicably attracted, almost without fail, to Sagittarius men. (Kurt's a Sag.) With women, it seems to be Leo that prevails. (Stephanie and Jami are both Leos.)
7) I volunteer with and no crime pisses me off more than nasty old men trying to sex up little children.
8) My face is uber-sensitive and the only makeup brands I can use are hugely expensive department store brands. As you can imagine, I don't wear much makeup, not because I don't feel I need it, but because my broke ass can't afford it! >_<
9) I have been in a physically abusive relationship.
10) Screw the big muscular type. I like my men fluffy and cuddly, like overgrown teddy bears. Ripped abs and chests actually are a turn-off to me.
11) My first word was "kitty."
12) Up until 2005, I had never seen Star Wars. I'm hooked now.
13) While I say and behave as though I don't care what people think of me, secretly, I care very much. But I'm working on not letting others' opinions of me affect what I do or how I choose to live my life.
14) I'm hugely self critical, probably to a point where it isn't healthy and I've been accused of expecting too much from people.
15) I'm a Republicrat: A democrat that expects people to take charge of their own problems and start the process of fixing their lives... with assistance, of course. I'm all about problem ownership, which doesn't translate into "assessing blame." Simply, you can't change what you won't own up to or acknowledge.
16) I bought a Hanson CD for the sole purpose of using it as a coaster. I don't think it's ever seen the inside of a CD player.
17) I'm missing a rib.
18) I have three piercings; two in my left ear, one in my right. No tattoos as of yet because they are in the process of being designed.
19) My great-grandmother was a high ranking "official" in the local KKK. I refer to her as the "black sheep" of the family just to piss her off.
20) I have birthmarks that kinda form the shape of the constellation Draco (the dragon) down my right arm. Found this out while playing "connect the freckles" because I was bored.