Nov 15, 2005 17:23
Well, I haven't updated this thing in FOREVER! my many things going on!!! School just keeps me so busy these days, nothing like last year. Well to start, I am kicking Michigan's ass right now :) I am passing all of my classes with what I would call awesome grades. I have two tests before I come home on the 23rd for Thanksgiving! I can't wait to go home! I miss my family! David got his condo a little while ago, so I will have to make a visit there and see him. I should be studying or doing homework right now, but I am super hungry and I can't concentrate so homework and studying will get done after I eat haha. Hmm....what else is there to say...I started clinicals this semester and they are just wonderful! I love being in the hospital and giving bed baths HAHA! I actually have to go to the hospital tomorrow at 730 am! sucks when I have early clinical, but whatever! When I come back from thanksgiving break, I only have 2 and 1/2 weeks of school left for this semester! Which is INSANE because I feel like the year just started. I was talking with someone the other day and we were saying how it feels as though september dragged on and october and november are just flying by. I have a huge list of things to do before I go home. haha...but good ole me and my procrastination:) I am going to do a full assessment on my dad when I got home for Thanksgiving since he refuses to go see a doctor. I guess I am the next best thing right? If anyone needs their Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat, Lungs, Heart, Blood Pressure, Pulse, Respirations, and some other stuff that I can't think of right now checked, then give me a call, I need the practice. This year is really starting to seem like I am going to be a nurse unlike last year that was just a bunch of stupid study classes. I have the possiblity of not having classes on friday next semester which is pretty freaking sweet. Umm....I guess that is all that has been going on with me for the last like month and a half. Or since I never really updated on my life before that, that is what has happened since I came to school. There are lots of other things too, but they just upset me, so I don't feel like writing about them. Oh...I remembered something else! I have an apartment set for next year! It is a cute little place a little off campus, but it is a pretty large place and relatively cheap. I am going to be living with Karen and Anna which will be TONS of fun! Alright I think I am going to dinner in a few minutes so I will write again when I get the chance!
OH yeah! I gave blood yesterday because I am a cool person like that! I feel pretty proud though, I saved three lives! OH and I get to work with little kiddies next year! I am SUPER excited for that, even though its like a year away haha! oh I just love nursing so much :)
ALright now I am really leaving!