Apr 14, 2005 20:01
well i havent wrote in here in ages.. but ive just been doing my thing yanno with my normal people.. michelle,amy,matthew,kyle& whoeever else
so ill start with last friday cus thats all i can remember..
so i think michelle came over and im pretty sure we went to the park.. and then chilled with adam and then matt[martin] and then came to my house and kyle picked us up and we scooped matt and went to a 9;30 movies of Sin City. and then to willingboro.. and thennn Me&Michelle came to my house and we went to bed
i think i worked idk.. but anyway.. Me&Michelle just chilled and im pretty sure we hung out with a few ppl but i honestly cant even remember..but anyway.. Saturday Night.. Kyle picked up Me&Michelle and we went to Doug's and everyone was there.. Matt,JC,Kyle,Justin,Ashley,Aids,Danielle&her friends,Aim-o&Alicia,Jon,Jess and idk mad other ppl.. so we just drank it was fun but anyway around 1 Me,Matt,Amy,Jon&JC left and went to Scott&Shamos' house and everyone was there.. Me,Matt&JC left there around 3 and went for a little ride and i came home @ 3;30 and passed out
felt like shit all fucking day.. slept until like 5.. and i think MIchelle came over.. and im pretty sure we got up with Kyle later that night but i dont remember
uurmm school.. after school i worked 3-8 then Michelle came over and i forget what we did ?? but later we got up with kyle&matt and i came home.. and i think thats about it?
school..then after school Michelle came over and Matt[martin] picked us up and we went to Brandon's and Pecker was there. then we all went to the skate park.. and Me&Michelle came back to my house.. went for an l-walk..came back to my house Kyle scooped us around 10 and we scooped matt went for a l ride.. then came home
school..after school my mom let me use her car so i scooped Michelle and we went to the gym.. and Matt,Kyle[t]&Brad were there .. and later Katie,Jen&Lisa came.. so we left there around 3;30.. drove around.. and then i took Michelle home and around 4;45 i picked her up again.. drove around.. then came back to my house.. and me&my mom took her home and then orderd food and picked it up.. and came home .. ate tooka nap.. got ready Amy&Michelle came and scooped me and we drove around and then she dropped us off at kyle's around 9;45.. and Me,Michelle&Kyle went on a crazy ride.. then i got home around 11;30 and went to bedd
Today So Far
went shopping in the morning with my mom.. got a bunch of clothes.. went to school.. picked up Michelle attempted to get my pay check.. Amy came over.. then the girls bounced.. i gotta shower and shit.. and now louis&brian are stopped by and later im getting up with matt,kyle&michelle so good shit.. ill wrt later