Jun 15, 2006 09:34
Yeah I TOTALLY got stood up yesturday. Ryan and I were suppossed to go to the movies. So I called once to tell him i was on my way to St Pete (had to leave it as a message on his voice mail), then I called him again when I got to the Globe and left another message that I was there (this was about 5:45), then I called again at 7:30 but didn't leave a message. then jess and matty came a little after 9 so I wasn't alone anymore, and we decided to go see X-Men 3, he called as we were walking down to the Baywalk theater, he asked where I was going and said that he had seen me leave the globe with jess and matt, i said the movies and told him how i had called 3 times left 2 messages and had sat waiting for 3 and a half hours, he said he had his phone with him all day and it never rang. I was soooo close to screaming bull shit at him. but it's all good i didn't like him THAT much I am just pissed off that I had wasted 3 and a half hours. So now I may turn my attention's to RJ's brother Scott.