May 26, 2006 17:09
Laying there I thought of loneliness, my loneliness. The candles light pressed shadows
on the walls I closed my eyes and imagined holding his hands. The warmth of his breath
on my neck, the softness of his lips on mine. But when I opened my eyes he was gone.
How could something so real disappear with only a few simple movements?
He walked away and reached for her hand instead of mine. Hugged her instead of me. It
hit me. Again it was the pangs of loneliness. I lost everything to the only person I could
trust. Did I do something wrong? No, I didn't even reach his gentile face for assurance of
what he was really saying.
After blowing out the candle, I laid there in the dark feeling numb and confused. Three
words rang in my ears "I love you". Did he mean it that last night we were together.
When I didn't respond to him, did he think I didn't love him in return? Of course I did. He
completed me. He knew me inside and out. He filled that now empty place inside me.
Is this how love operates? It works then it fails you? Brings you happiness then great
sadness? Will it ever be tears of joy instead of pangs of sad and loneliness?
By: Me