even a heart transplant wouldn't show you how I feel, would it baby?

Feb 24, 2008 21:14


I think that may be something I should look into. I'm always stressing about something, and it really isn't normal. The other thing that struck me as bizarre is I tend to shake when I lay down or start to fall asleep/get waken up... I used to ask my mom what was shaking my bed... thought it was the heater or something... but it turns out it was me shaking. I still do that from time to time here.

Instead of working on my papers, I'm surfing the web. Nice going, Amanda. And these are things I really should be working on...because most of them are papers for scholarships....which are due tomorrow. Fuck.

Tomorrow night I have to write my paper for EDP 303 and should really write my SPE paper, because that was technically due 2 weeks ago but [most] education classes are lax on assignments, so I am lax on completing them.

Also, I have a lesson plan due Tuesday.

I have a test on Wednesday. First one of the semester. I only have one class this semester that does tests. This test will no doubt suck. I have been so caught up in the crazy readings for POS 591 and POS 598 that I haven't done ANY readings for POS 294. Grad classes have SO MUCH READING. I just wish I read faster.

SW DCON was this weekend. That was really fun. I drove back home for Jon's birthday (planned a bit of a surprise party with his friends) and then drove back to Tucson for the final session. It was a really long day, basically. Jon came over today stayed longer than either of us anticipated. I should have been reading/getting work done all day... but I didn't. Basically, I'm losing my work ethic for school things this semester. (Nobody's fault but my own...) I just really want this semester to be OVER.

I'm taking 6 or 7 credits over the summer, and then I'll have 20 in the fall and one over winter break. Then I'm done. Wooo. Last semester is 12 credits of student teaching. I'll probably take a grad class at night if I'm in the BA/MA program.

Alright, scholarship time. I need the money badly... so I've got to take care of this biz.

P.S. I've forgotten how much I love punchline.
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