Aug 29, 2004 12:28
Well My weekend hasn't been that bad. Besides the fact of me finding out by a very random person too, that some of my friends have been talking shit about me behind my back. I fucking hate drama, but this is just one of those things where I'm going to have to confront them. Anyways The exorcist is a very good movie. It didn't actaully start scarying me until like the last 20 mins of the movie. Brit was freaked out...when she gets scared she has to put her feet up, which is something I have to do too but I didn't at the movie place because there was this chick in front of me. So Brit had her feet up and she also has to hold her neck...She is scared that someone is going to grab it or something. SO Like at the end of the movie I look over and see Brittany holding her neck and has her feet up and is sitting there shaking and is telling me..."I really have to pee." So of course I'm laughing my ass off, and the guy behind me is like "Shut up" I said you shut up you old fart!
ANyways then after the movie we tried talking Brits mom into taking us to the Covered Bridge so we could see the ghost. She wouldnt take us...then I came home and told my dad that and he said that they have closed the road to the bridge, like its a farm road now...I was like dammit!
I talked to my brother last night, he was drunk so it was really funny. He told me that They are coming down next monday and then on the 8th we all are driving to tenn so him and Julie can Elope!! YAY!! They are finally gonna get married! I'm so excited!! Anyways I was talking to my brother last night and we were talking about how guys are losers, my brother said something like " guys are losers" and I said well "maybe not everywhere in the world but in this stupid ass town just about all of them are losers" then my brother said.."DAMN SKIPPY!!" I laughed for ever, just because my brother said damn skippy! He cracks me up..I love him so much..(for today anyways) lol!
Well Im going to go, talk to ya all later! Byes