My back hurts!

Oct 02, 2005 01:58

Its way too late..but i'm not that tired..Who knows why!

spell your name backwards: adnama

Right Now...

What color pants are you wearing:Gray boxer shorts

What taste is in your mouth? garlic..yuk..need to brush my teefies

Whats the weather like? somewhat muggy..not hott..its late!

how are you? i'm good..had a great nite

get motion sickness? not usually

have a bad habit? i'm sure...prob way too many

get along with your parents? most of the time

boyfriend/girlfriend: nopers

have a current crush? nopers

have a big regret? oh yea..but could ya learn..right?!

tv show: i truly dont watch tv...maybe or ER or something

conditioner: I like my Tres Semme right now..good stuff ;)

book:Redeeming Love

non-alcohol drink: I had the best kiwi lemonade at Ruby Tuesdays' last nite..yummy

alcohol drink: Tryin to quit!..haha.. nothing that i LOVE

things to do on weekends: hang out with the pals at amanda's or brandon's ,or going to a movie or restaurant. Just hanging out and playing Taboo, or Cranium..OR Cherades.. (sp)

movie: Guess Who, Stepmom, A million more..
Have you ever...

broken the law: YES

ran away from home: nah

snuck out of the house? nah

got caught? bro read my diary and told the parentals!

ever gone skinny dipping: twice

used your parents credit card: umm...i dont think so actually

skipped school before: not w/o mom knowing in college..yea!

been in a school play: choir plays

had a bf/gf: yea..nothing too serious though

had children: no

been in love: with Jesus

had a hard time getting over someone: nah

been hurt: Yea..unfortuanately

gone out with someone u only knew for 3 days? um no

When/What was the last...

you got a letter: yesterday

an email: from Russ

a phone call: umm..Amy Childers

thing u purchased: Blue Bell Icecream at Circle K for the Partay!

TV show u watched: Sat nite live for a few secs at Amanda's

movie u saw in theatres: Skeleton Key

kissed: Depends on who..Charity tonite. SHe's so cute

hugged: Brandon (not my bro..ewww! jk)

song u heard: Breakaway (kelley girl)

place u were (besides home): Amanda Lee's house

u were depressed: 2 weeks ago..or maybe last week.

u were in the hospital: yesterday..haha..i work there..but other than that..its been a while actually.
What comes to mind when u hear...

car: need a new one

cell: phone

shoe: Flops

fun: friends

crush: orange drink

music: heart

Chalk: hopscotch

Ship: Santa Maria
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