Aug 05, 2004 02:41
GRR I think im havin another one of those nights: I can't sleep, and im as awake as I was at at 2pm. This is really bad. I must have fricken bad insomnia or something. Well at least im not the only one, Emilys awake too! lol well ya I got my chip for my digital camera. Yay! Now I can hold 390 instead of 28. Ya so a certain someone and I need to go thrift storing again. . even if I am broke. We can still have fun! My mom took me there the other day, and when I went with becca, I tried on this funky dress, and when we got there, it was in collectibles! I was just like what the heck??????? lol guess me putting it on made it worth more. lol ya right. Night~