Birthday party!!!

Oct 30, 2004 17:30

Well for thoes of you who know me, my birthday is not until next weekend. However I'm going home that weekend so my awesome friends at RPI decided to throw me bday bash this weekend. Well Friday started off with the usual heading off to breakfast and then to physics. I walked into Commons and what did I see on the counter but a pretty bag with my name on it, a bear on top and a balloon attached. I got all excited and asked if I could take it. But apparently that bag means that someone got you a cake. So they checked their order book and it had listed that James ordered me a cake! This started my day off on an awesome note. Not even physics bogged me down. I had the rest of my classes as normal that day.
That night there was a hockey game for which James, Mike and I have tickets. The long and the short of it is that we lost. We played UMASS-Lowell and we lost. Oh well. The game ended around 915ish. After the game we walked down to Quad to pick up Mike's ummm clean underwear from a friend's dorm... anyways... After we get back to fresman hill and James tells me to come back to barton at 10.
I get to barton at 10 and walk in to James' room. James and Scott are sitting there having a normal conversation. Across from them was an empty chair. On the floor was a box labelled " IF YOU'RE FINALLY LEGAL... OPEN THIS!". I was thinking oh yeah they got me porn or cigarettes or lottery tickets. However Scott first insisted that I take off his sweaty ROTC socks. I refused but he was persistant and I did... I'm not sure why but I did. Then they finally allowed me to open my box. Inside the box there were two leather studded belts, two single dollar bills, cough drops and chapstick. They calmly asked me what I thought all these things were used for. I responded that the belts were for maybe bondage. The dollar bills were for strippers and the chapstick and cougch drops..well... According to James "sore throats happen". Anywho Scott gets up to go to the bathroom or something. James keeps talking ot me normally. Then I hear scott yell out "Amanda look at me!" so I turn around and Scott is standing there with his shirt on and in his boxers. I look back at james who is shirtless. I quickly turn back to Scott who is now only in his boxers. I turn to James who is in his boxers. Then to Scott who is in a SPEEDO! Then to James in his Speedo! Not only this but they stuffed their speedos with socks and started to dance around me. They're snapping the belts saying "We'll show you what it means to be 18". I meanwhile was laughing hsyterically, to understate it. My face must have been so red.
So after they're were done with their dancing, because they were too itchy, they got changed back into their normal clothes. Within a few minutes people started to show up at James' room. Jill, Leena, Kym, Liz, Mike, Dana, and (goofy) Scott. Everytime a person arrived I had to tell my story again. My card is also pretty awesome, it is a very Scott and James type of card. Scott got me a purple fuzzy crown and wand that was wrapped in duct tape and paper towels. I wore the crown the whole night, however it was slightly damaged in the watergun fight in the hallway.
And SO that was my best birthday ever! James and Scott are amazing people and I love them for making this the most memorable birthday I'll ever have. I'm really lucky to have them! (aww moment)
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