Aug 19, 2005 17:52
hey im talking to Micheal online right now and now he is saying how he is not going to sci-tech anymore! he is already going to EHS is that just chipper
Anyways yesterday after school me Sophie Andrea and Sarah went to Ci Ci's (that doesnt look like that is how u spell it well its that pizza place) and we saw the cop that wrote my report. hahaha! thats good stuff. anyways then after eating we went to the dollar tree and walked around and put a pad on Andrea's face (it was brand new) lol and took a pic hahahah then we headed over to hobby lobby and Sarah was saying hi to random ppl one of the ladies that she said hi to was wearing a Long Elm School shirt and she acted like she knew Sarah i just heard her ask where Sarah was going to school now and how her mom was and told her how she was proud of her for getting into scitech and then Sarah came back and i asked her who that lady was (if u dont know where this is going yet then ur an idiot jerk) Sarah started cracking up and said i have no idea! haha so then we decided that me sarah and andrea should go back up to her and say me and andrea didnt recognize her and start a conversation. So me and andrea asked her how she was and she asked a lot of questions about our academic life. We made up ppl and asked how they were and asked if she still talked to everyone. she said yes! hahah Then sophie was supposed to come and be like "u guys went to long?" and we say"no" and be like"omg u dont teach at THE?" and walk off but she was too nice and sophie couldnt do it but we got a hell of a laugh outta it.
My mom got really mad at me tho cause i didnt call her ahead of time to let her know that i was going. and then she was all bitchy at sophies mom and there was a big mess and my mom said no more carpooling with sophie and then idk it was a big mess and so now my mom called sophies mom today and said sorry and said that we can carpool again. so i guess a happy ending.
yeah well alright bye
Love former student of Long elm, jk