wow, um, hi.

Nov 19, 2007 19:09

So I never wrote my annual warped update! Even though it was several months ago....better late than never right? This is more for me than you anyways.
It was me, Sarsy Q and Cory. Cory immediately left us for Kayla who was eventually to become his girlfriend...what a delightful girl. Sarah and I walked around and checked out the tents and stuff, found the big puffy board with the performance times on it, you know. I believe we first watched Circa Survive, who I only knew like a few songs of, but regardless they put on a really good show. The guy sang pretty well, and they were hilarious. Anthony was like "We're going to have a crowdsurfing competition, and the winner gets...." and the guitarist was like "ETERNAL SALVATION!" and then Anthony said "yes, that, and dinner with (some guy)" Then later they were like "alright guys, let's make this shit trippy, I wanna see three triangular pits. If that shit gets circular we're stopping!" Then the guitarist was just like pointing and he goes "Triangulate that". Then randomly at the end of their set Anthony goes "I'm a baby!" Oh and they had tons of condom balloons in the air during the last few songs. Definitely an enjoyable experience.
So then we watched Chiodos who I like but don't really know very well...but they did play the Baby you wouldn't last a minute....something or other song which made me reeeeealllly happy. They were good. Now I'm going to forget everyone we saw...ummm, it was really hot so we sat under the shade of some big old trees for a lot of it and just listened to whoever was playing at the time. We heard a little bit of the Unseen, Pepper (who were extremely dirty and rugged haha), and some others who I don't remember. We saw Bad Religion, they were basically amazing and they played Infected which just blew me up and I loved it. I should really get their cds, they make beautiful music. We also sawwww TIGER ARMY and obviously they were amazing. Little Nick 13 was adorable, love that man. They played some new stuff and some old which was enjoyable, I was sooo glad they were there. They are one of those bands I forget about for a while and then when I listen to them again I'm like how the heck did I forget about you, you're amazing! OH and we saw Paramore too, I almost forgot about them. Hayley was wearing these bright yellow pants that I will never forget, I have never seen anything like them. Her voice is like amazing live, she sounds exactly like she does on the cd, it's incredible. They were veeery good. Then the last people we saw were BOYS LIKE GIRLS. I didn't realize what a crazy girl following they have, it was kind of upsetting actually, but they were good. They weren't like amazing in terms of the voice and stuff but they put on a good show and it was fun to scream the lyrics with Sarah. They played the shitty Volcom stage though (I know it wasn't called that this year, but that's what it was called the first year I ever went so that's what I always call it) so that made me mad because there's like 5 feet standing room and the rest is seats, but eh whatev. They were really hot though. Problem was, it was dark by then so we couldn't really get pictures. But I have them up there, in my head, so it's all good. I'm betting I forgot to mention a critical band, but oh well. I think that was was an enjoyable experience all around, except for the expected raping that was buying lunch. Oh yeah I forgot, I had had my wisdom teeth out the week before so I couldn't open my mouth all the way so I couldn't eat my hot dog in a proper manner. It was really funny, I had to like smash it into my mouth and stuff, it was good. Umm I think nothing else major happened except me and Sarah are really cool and telepathic and stuff so I'm pretty sure there were some mind-reading thoughts, etc. Yeah I guess that's it, good times.
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