Sep 13, 2007 12:49
As if having metal and plastic in my mouth wasn't enough.... Let's add a metal spring to complete my (self proclaimed yet -dont worry- still somewhat adorable) freak status.
Ahaha... braces are funny. Just when things start to feel ok, when I can eat whatever I want - BAM, adjustment. Back to delicious soup with the potential of soggy crackers if I'm lucky. At least I treat myself to lots of beer and the creamy fatty kind when this happens.
(I secretly love that I have a spring in my mouth. Makes me feel like a robot. OH.EE.EE.DEET. <---- Robot noise. Shh, you aren't supposed to tell anyone!)
Work is insanely busy. The kind of busy where I've been running myself fairly insane-o with overtime, thinking about it when I'm not there and feeling guilty when I promise myself I'll go in on a weekend and don't. However, I've been given some amazing responsibilities. Currently working on 4 schools at once which is un-heard-of. Three elementary schools and one high school. Presenting the HS materials today in fact. Should be fab because it is, by far, my most exciting and creative project.
With that, House=awes. Having a Yard Sale this weekend. Come visit on Saturday and Sunday. VINTAGE amaziness as most of the things were my grandma's and she never threw anything away. There are things still in boxes and others that have obviously never been used.
It is definitely a must see for lovers of the old and gently used item. There will be a craigs listy so... stay tuned.