Nov 06, 2006 19:55
Every character has a good/evil 'thermostat' setting. This setting can be adjusted by events, and the 'temperature in the room' doesn't always look like it.
Think of a house, if you will, on a hot summer day with the air conditioning on strong, to keep the house about 65 degrees. Now, let's say that some idiot leaves the door open in the middle of the afternoon, while the A/C gets turned off automatically for an hour. Is the house still going to be 65 degrees in an hour? I don't think so.
The same thing happened with Bonzo when he came into Milliways. The A/C got shut off and the thermostat reset (he was out of Battle School for an extended period of time, and when he eventually went back, I would argue he was changed quite a bit), and a certain idiot (the mun) left the door open for a lot of 'good' to flood in, via being in Milliways (when everyone around you is pretty good, it doesn't work well for being in a moral grey area).
Now, let's briefly talk about Dooku. Dooku had a thermostat shake, but he's still got the Ego That Ate Coruscant. He didn't take on Bonzo for the best reasons...he wanted to show up Qui-Gon with a 'superior performance', to be perfectly blunt.
So, to those of you who have had IC unease about their little relationship: Your concerns are 100% justified and correct; he ain't gonna make a great Jedi in the long run, even if he seems to be pulling it off in the short run. I've been agitated to a certain extent with how well things were working out, all saw how well he handled seeing Petra beaten up, right? That's just the surface. The kid is very insecure, very concerned with his image as opposed to what's beneath the surface...none of this is good.
To those of you with OOC concerns: I understand; let me get some material to work with and we'll be back into Morally Ambiguous Land soon enough. He's been in the Bar too kriffing long, and I need to get him out (hopefully on the heels of some Bad Advice) for a bit soon.
And, as a closing note, to those of you who have been frustrated with my RP in any way, shape, or form, I honestly encourage you to talk to me. I'm willing to work on OOC things brought to me in an OOC capacity; when they spill into IC-land, we can talk about engineering RP to meet desired goals.