My journal misses me.

Jul 28, 2006 00:15

Brief update...

- Working at Rocky Gorge Animal Hospital in Laurel full time. Half the time it's kinda cool, the other half, I want to slaughter the doctors (9 of them) and blow up the phones, oh, and throw some of the clients out the door. :)
- Still working at Fresh Meadows, but only on Sundays cuz I need the discount on bills.
- I am now pretty much taking care of myself, and the only thing I'm not paying for is rent, cuz I can't afford that too. Instead, I pay for board for my horse (plus all the bills for 2 cats and the horse).
- My sister's moving into the house in Berwyn Heights in August, should be interesting, and she'll be going to Maryland and will be in the band, creepy.
- I miss having free time... and spending it with band and equestrian club people. :(
- I got a kitten, his name is Beaker (his meow used to sound like the Muppet), he's 10 weeks old, full of energy, is sweet and cute, and drives me nuts more often than not. He loves his big sis, Ashi, and she doesn't hate him. :)
- Chance popped a splint a few weeks ago, Linda treated it, and it seemed to relieve most of his lameness issues. :-D I want to ride him ASAP, cuz I MISS HIM!!!
- I sprained my left ankle last Sunday at the farm, in the middle of feeding outside, by stepping off the Gator and onto an uneven patch of dirt. Lame, I know, but it kinda hurts, is still slightly swollen, and is now turning black and blue in some spots... cooool. ;) But it's keeping me from riding, so I am not happy.
- Just a though, paying bills SUCKS ASS!!!
- I got the Audi back, and it's now officially "my car". I hate it. It runs, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna die on me, again. It also looks like a POS because the paint is fading/chipping, and it's totally not worth fixing.
- I'm going to Chantilly, VA on Sunday with other horsey peeps to buy lots of horse related things, which will make me imensely happy. WOOT!!!!!

That's it for now. I need to go to bed, cuz I have to work at 8am. And I need to shut the kitten away for the night cuz he's driving Ashi and I nuts.
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