I want my cookies now.

May 28, 2010 01:57

 The dark side does has cookies right? And I don't mean just any kind of cookie. I only want cookies that come in the form of very pretty, crack-filled, sparkly boy bands. If you don't have those then I'm leaving...What's that? Those are the only kind of cookies that you have? HOW PERFECT XD

So once upon a time, I did things like hang out with zelflame  and zonbiushi  and we actually did things that were social and involved actually being in the world. At the end of these days, Inga would say things like "I HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH ARASHI IN MY LIFE TODAY; MY DAY IS NOT COMPLETE." Of course at the time, I thought statements such as these were somewhat ridiculous. Like fo realz?!?! You can't even go one day without looking at Arashi or Arashi related things? But now I understand....Today I had to work 9:45-5 and then I had dinner and hung out with Beth and therefore didn't get back to my computer until not long ago which means that I HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH ARASHI IN MY LIFE TODAY!! I did squeeze in a viewing of Troublemaker and Monstah but THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. My day just isn't complete if I don't get at least some Arashi in. Gahhhh that boy band seriously is like crack. I'm completely addicted. And I'm going through withdrawals.

Luckily, I had this to get me through the day: 

^this is currently the background on my phone^
It is suuuuuuuuuuuuupah cute. There's a Verizon Wireless banner at the top of the screen and the way the picture lines up it looks as though Nino is making sure his face isn't covered by it. Dudders.

Also. Random side note: I LUV NINO

Okay, now I'm off to get rid of this withdrawal XD

crack, neeeeeners, cookies plz

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