Sawah's essay about me!

May 04, 2004 15:16

Hola people! I almost cried today in study hall because Sawah wrote this little essay about me. I think I'll type it up here since Sawah is sitting next to me. I'll probably start crying again...damn Sawah.

Here goes:

"Mandee is a freshman at Armstrong High School. She is my best friend and has undergone more troubles than anyone I know. She's had her share of problems and still manages to help me with mine, which is why she's important to me.

Many people look at her and find her to be a normal person. In her family, Mandee is the middle child and the only one not on any medication. She's pretty normal to the standards of society, but if you're her best friend and know her like I do, you'd know it's deeper than that. Much of the time she is ignored or pushed aside because she doesn't have mental problems like her sister and brother. Mandee is extrodinary because although her family sucks, she's still helping me.

My household is not as satisfying as others. My family has caused me to have many mental breakdowns and depression. A lot of people don't know this about me because I never say anything. Mandee, on the otherhand, knows just about everything and has been very optimistic. She has been very supportive and has stood by me when I was at my worst. She has never asked for anything-no sympathy or advice; but has offered me more than I deserve.

Many times Mandee has proven her importance to me. I don't know how I would go on without her, nor would I try. She has been myy table to lean on when I thought I'd fall. I turn to her when I need someone; she's my hero, too. She shows me what's good about life and has never given up on me. I need her more than anything.

People need someone to lean on sometimes and for me that's Mandee. She's tough and does not give up easily. I have said to her, sarcastically she's my hero, but she is in fact. She's an asset to my life and cares for me more than many other people do. She is definetely my source of humor and happiness."

And that's it...I teared up typing it...hehehe, I'm such a loser. It makes me feel needed and loved since I usually don't. I love you, Sawah! Yay! I said it! Well not outloud but it's close enough for me.
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