We are running a survey on Dreamwidth about a good time for a watch of the movie. This is what sharpie posted:
I just want to do a quick survey-ish type thing to work out when would be a good time to hold the next Watch?
I can't do anything this weekend (it'd be really short notice anyway!) because I'm away from Friday to Saturday and I won't be taking the laptop.)
Also, I think - and correct me if I'm wrong - that the weekend after is Thanksgiving, which probably means that US fans would be too busy to join in.
So, my thinking is that the first weekend of December is probably the earliest we could do it. Or we could have a mid-week Watch if people would like?
What sort of time would suit you guys best? I'd prefer it in the evening, with a start time of 7:30 or 8:00pm GMT (8:30 or 9:00 pm European). But would that be too early or too late for you?
Please to hop over there and let us know your thoughts.Join us if you can. The more, the merrier. You do not have to have an account at DW, but can log in with openID too. :)