21 - Chapter One- General, Nautical, Political

Jun 08, 2012 16:06

Captain Aubrey joined the South African squadron in the River Plate, going aboard HMS Suffolk, taking com¬mand of her and hoisting or causing to be hoisted the flag, blue at the mizzen

How fast the Admiralty has changed Jack’s flag ship! Only a book ago it had been HMS Implacable! Thank goodness Stephen and Sir Joseph invented the internet.

I think we will come across a number of these inconsistencies which would have been caught by a proof-reader, surely (?)After all, this is not a finished book, but a draft which is likely to make us wonder how it would have read in the end.

Let us know your thoughts on the blue piece of bunting, the business of a legate or Jack’s secret mission in Chile.

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21, nautical, general, 21:ch 1, political

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